Friday, September 5, 2008

33.5 weeks

Here is what I look like as of August 26th. I only have a few more weeks to make it to 40. I sure am hoping to make it full term since we are not yet back in our own home. My parents have been putting up with Mark, Tucker and I for 4 months now! Yikes! I don't know what we would do without their gracious hospitality. What was supposed to only be 4 weeks has stretched out a bit further:) Thank you for family!!!!

At this point in the picture, I was only 4 days out of the hospital. I had a short 2 night visit the week prior due to my amniotic fluid being dangerously low. I went in for a simple ultrasound and ended up getting admitted an hour later to Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Not fun, but something that had to be done. The doctor said that if I were at 36 weeks they would have induced me with that fluid level. Luckily, I was able to get the fluid up enough in 2 days to go home Friday the 22nd. By Monday the 25th, an ultrasound determined my levels went up even more. However, the doctor has restricted me to 1/2 days at work and moderate bed rest. It is not my ideal situation but I am getting through it to keep this baby in for as long as I can. My job right now is to nurture this baby inside me to be strong and healthy.

We are getting very excited to meet our little one!!!

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