Tuesday, July 15, 2008

26.5 weeks

Here I am in my 26th week, this picture was taken on July 7th. Look how round my face is! Yikes! Maybe I should lay off the sweet stuff!!!

The week prior, I had my monthly Dr. visit and everything is going fine. I had another ultrasound and my amniotic fluid level has not decreased. Although, it has also not increased. I am still at 10.4 which is the low end of normal (10-20 is the range). But the doctor is still giving me the green light to work and exercise as normal. I also had my glucose screening test for gestational diabetes and the results were all good. Yeah! I don't know what I would have been able to do if I was not able to have my nightly dose of ice cream!!!

The 2nd trimester has been relatively smooth and comfortable. I am still able to get my treadmill walks in during my lunch break which is a good stress reliever. Yes, that's right, I have a bit of stress. Although the pregnancy is going well, there are a lot of other things going on. The house is still not at a point we can live in so we are still at my parents house. I am so grateful for them putting up with us and Tucker. They have been very gracious and we appreciate it so very much. We want to get out of their hair just as much as they want us too also! Only a few more weeks though, I hope! No, really, we are past the halfway point with the house so there is some relief in that.

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